Selected papersPDCO 2021 List of accepted Papers**
PDCO001: Linearizing Computing the Power Set with OpenMP; PDCO002: TurboBFS: GPU Based Breadth-First Search (BFS) Algorithms in the Language of Linear Algebra; PDCO003: A Parallel Meta-Solver for the Multi-Objective Set Covering Problem; PDCO004: CPRIC: Collaborative Parallelism for Randomized Incremental Constructions; PDCO005: Leveraging High Dimensional Spatial Graph Embedding as a Heuristic for Graph Algorithms; PDCO006: Characters Recognition based on CNN-RNN architecture and Metaheuristic; PDCO007: RRNS Base Extension Error-Correcting Code for Performance Optimization of Scalable Reliable Distributed Cloud Data Storage; ** Please, use the code of you paper, e.g., PDCO00x, when registering to the conference and workshops.
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